Master & Servant / #next364 #rednose
The Eccentrics / #next364 #rednose
Lloyd The Dancing Fool / #next364 #rednose
Another Shot Next Week / #next364 #rednose
I talked to Danny yesterday and he was in very good spirits. He still has not undergone heart surgery yet because of high blood pressure. The doctors gave him a new batch of medication to get his blood pressure under control before sending him back home. His operation has now been rescheduled for this coming Friday.
To be clear, Danny is in Arizona, and I’m in Minnesota, so I can’t deliver messages in person. I had the honor of being one of a handfull of people that Danny called before he was first admitted to the Hospital this past week.
The outpouring of love for Danny has been extraordinary. Please keep him in your thoughts, and send your prayers and positive energy to him this coming Friday.
I am simply a concerned friend,
Danny’s Still Hung-up / #next364 #rednose
DANNY LORD / #next364 #rednose

My friend Danny Lord is going into the hospital for heart surgery this morning. If you’ve ever met him then you know that when he was born God broke the mold to protect future generations from this force of nature.
Please send out your thoughts and prayers for Danny today.
35 TAXING YEARS / #next364 #rednose
When my Father was alive he always captured moments of historical significance in his children’s lives with a photograph. Pictured here is me doing my 1980 income taxes after my first year touring as a performing artist. My reward was the opportunity of filling out my first 1040 long form and Schedule C, after adding up every damn receipt I had collected on-the-road.
The only difference today is that I now wear a fake arrow through my head before beginning this hellish annual chore.
Show Business is so glamorous…