The Birth of Our EMERGENCY CLOWN NOSE® / #next364 #rednose



Photo by Marc Norberg:

My next series of posts to my blog,, will tell the history of our Emergency Clown Nose®, as well as our hopes and dreams for the future. Rosie and my show A Life of Serious Nonsense is where our clown nose in a medicine jar was born. It was originally a prop in our play within a play about our life story, and was sold exclusively after the show until 2009 when the Bibelot Shops picked it up for the Holiday Season. Our trademarked product became a best selling hit, and is now sold in gift shops and boutiques across the United States.


New U.S. Trademark / #next364 #rednose


Photo of Emergency Red Nose


We were just awarded a U.S. Trademark for our high quality professional grade Emergency Red Nose®. Our new red nose can be molded to custom fit your face by first dipping it in hot water before applying. Once you have molded it to fit your face it is designed to easily attach with spirit gum, or with the elastic included.

Go to to learn more about our other professional services.


24th EMERGENCY CLOWN NOSE® Pick / #next364 #rednose

Statue of Liberty medium shot

For the 24th Emergency Clown Nose® pick I choose Lady Liberty to represent all of us. I believe we each hold the flame of liberty inside of us, just as we have a clown inside each of us. The question is do we have noble or ignoble intentions.

The clown inside of us has the ability to liberate our spirit from the shackles of personal restraint. However, does the pursuit of our own liberty blindly trample on the liberty of our neighbor, or set their spirit free?


23rd EMERGENCY CLOWN NOSE® Pick / #next364 #rednose

Lucille Ball in ECN

The 23rd Emergency Clown Nose® pick of the season goes to the Lucille Ball.  In this series I’m exploring the noble as well as ignoble clown.  Each day through Christmas look for posts to my blog,, of a different public figure that either delighted in playing the clown, or that the public has unfortunately chosen to paint as a clown.

Lucy was a pioneer in television, but more importantly she was instrumental in breaking down the door for women in comedy today. My wife and lifelong comedy partner, Rosie Cole was greatly influenced and empowered by Lucille Ball’s example.

Thanks Lucy


22nd EMERGENCY CLOWN NOSE® Pick / #next364 #rednose

Marx Bros Trio

The 22nd Emergency Clown Nose® pick of the season goes to the Marx Brothers.  In this series I’m exploring the noble as well as ignoble clown.  Each day through Christmas look for posts to my blog,, of a different public figures that either delighted in playing the clown, or that the public has unfortunately chosen to paint as a clown.

The Marx Brothers were an iconoclastic comedy team that was first blackballed from vaudeville before becoming Broadway and Hollywood stars. Their genius was performing their crazy antics against the backdrop of a straight humorless world. The more the supporting cast didn’t laugh the more their audience did.


21st EMERGENCY CLOWN NOSE® Pick / #next364 #rednose

Laurel & Hardy with Flaming Thumb

The 21st Emergency Clown Nose® pick of the season goes to the Laurel & Hardy.  In this series I’m exploring the noble as well as ignoble clown.  Each day through Christmas look for posts to my blog,, of a different public figure that either delighted in playing the clown, or that the public has unfortunately chosen to paint as a clown.

As a child I loved watching Laurel & Hardy on Sunday morning television. Their snowball comedy awakened me to a type of humor that still influences me. Even though their slapstick was sometimes brutal, Laurel & Hardy’s warm hearts and clear love for each other is the yardstick, in which I measure my own work to this day.


20th EMERGENCY CLOWN NOSE® Pick / #next364 #rednose

George Carlin in ECNs

The 20th Emergency Clown Nose® pick of the season goes to the George Carlin.  In this series I’m exploring the noble as well as ignoble clown.  Each day through Christmas look for posts to my blog,, of a different public figure that either delighted in playing the clown, or that the public has unfortunately chosen to paint as a clown.

Even though I don’t agree with all of what George Carlin believed, it never stopped me from laughing wholeheartedly at his comedy. Carlin was an atheist, and I believe in God, but I’ve always found his comic sketches about religion hysterically funny, and painfully true.  Pointing out hypocrisy has been the role of clowns and fools throughout time.

In an NPR interview with Terry Gross on Fresh Air in 2004, George Carlin said one of the most spiritually profound statements I ever heard, without a hint of religious dogma.

“If it’s true that we are all from the center of a star, every atom in each of us from the center of a star, then we’re all the same thing. Even a Coke machine or a cigarette butt in the street in Buffalo, is made out of atoms that came from a star. They’ve all recycled thousands of times, as have you and I. So, if that is true, then I am EVERYWHERE in the universe, in an extended sense. And therefore, it’s only ME out there. So what is there to be afraid of? […] The trouble is, we have been separated from within that universe by being born and given a name, and an identity, and being individuated. We have been separated from the oneness and that’s what religion exploits, that people have this yearning to be part of the overall one again. So they exploit that. They call it ‘God’; they say he has rules and I think that’s cruel. I think you can do it absent religion.”

Paradoxically, the Latin root word for religion is “ligare,” which means to link back to the whole.  Just don’t let your karma run over your neighbor’s dogma.


19th EMERGENCY CLOWN NOSE® Pick / #next364 #rednose

#1 koch brothers as clowns

The 19th Emergency Clown Nose® pick of the season goes to the infamous Koch Brothers.  In this series I’m exploring the noble as well as ignoble clown.  Each day through Christmas look for posts to my blog,, of a different public figure that either delighted in playing the clown, or that the public has unfortunately chosen to paint as a clown.

If anyone suffers from clown-a-phobia then these guys should be keeping you up at night. These billionaire brothers, and their shadowy friends are preparing to spend a billion dollars on the 2016 election cycle in an attempt to buy the Senate, House, and US Presidency.  The only option is to shine the limelight of the circus ring on these clowns.

Mark Twain said, “Against the assault of of laughter nothing can stand.”
